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Pebsham community lies to the west of ancient Bulverhythe Harbour. It has some outstanding wildlife areas with reed beds and Pebsham Lake where bitterns have overwintered and Spotted Flycatchers can be seen. The Lake has two huge trees covered in white guano from the 100 cormorants that roost and nest there and feed on the sea rocks at Glyne Gap.


Pebsham was once called 'Pepplesham' - Pebsham's name comes from the ancient Norman family of Pepple - read about the Pepple family here: 


Pebsham was once a 'limb' of the Cinque Port of Hastings.


Read about the Cinque Ports here: 


Here are some photographs of the truly beautiful Pebsham Lake. The owner tells me that until the 1980s it was just a hay meadow and then when the Pebsham Stream was diverted in the 1980s, it flooded and has been deep ever since. On the other hand the Bexhill OSM map shows that a Nazi V1 rocket landed in this 'lake', so there is a mystery to be solved. I will report back!












































Teazels at Pebsham Lake.jpg
Pebsham Lake - Evening (s).jpg
Pebsham Lake 18 Dec.jpg
Pebsham Lake evening (s).jpg


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